Phil Robertson delivers prayer at NASCAR race, urges Americans to 'put Jesus-man in the White House'

'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson prays that America will restore their 'faith in the blood of Jesus and His resurrection.' Reuters

"Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson delivered the invocation during the NASCAR circuit pre-race ceremony held at the Texas Motor Speedway over the weekend, and he prayed that America will eventually "put a Jesus-man in the White House."

"All right Texas, we got here via Bibles and guns, I'm fixing to pray to the One who made that possible," he prayed, according to Sporting News. "Father, thank you for founding our nation. I pray Father that we don't forget who brought us — You. Our faith in the blood of Jesus and His resurrection. Help us Father to get back to that."

Robertson also prayed for the men and women from the U.S. military, saying that they are "the reason we are still here." The outspoken Christian hopes that America will learn to repent, do what is right, and love God as well as love each other.

Robertson's drew mixed reactions from the crowd. Many praised him for his raw and honest prayer while others called it a "complete disaster."

Political Science Professor Matthew Wilson from the Southern Methodist University told Fox News that Robertson's prayer might be biased, but he said nothing wrong.

"He didn't call out any particular groups, he didn't insult any particular populations... so if the mere mention of the support of gun rights, Christianity, and the U.S. military is offensive to anybody they probably don't belong at a NASCAR race," he said.

Viewer Lesley Dathe also agreed. "Everybody's afraid of hurting everyone's feelings. It's freedom of speech - I think you should be able to say what you want," she said.

Robertson is endorsing Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz while his son Willie has given his support to Cruz's opponent Donald Trump. Cruz even thought of making Robertson a U.N. ambassador should he win the presidency.

"Imagine, for a second, Phil Robertson, ambassador to the United Nations," Cruz said, according to Us Magazine. "How much would you pay to see the Russian ambassador's face when Phil says, 'What is wrong with you people?'"

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