Al and Lisa Robertson talk about love and relationships in their new book called "The Duck Commander Devotional for Couples," and in it, they share how dad Phil and his wife Kay Robertson happily discuss their active sex life.
Phil and Kay have been married for over 50 years already, but they are still very fond of each another, according to Radar Online.
"For all the years we've been together, we've heard Miss Kay and Phil (mostly Phil) discuss their sex life," Al and Lisa write in their book. "Not in detail, mind you, but he just lets you know he enjoys his quiet time with Miss Kay."
Al and Lisa do not see any problem with the older couple's open discussion, since it shows how much they value their marriage and relationship.
"God created a beautiful thing between and husband and wife. It is not something we should be ashamed of or afraid of," they say.
At the same time, Al and Lisa credit Miss Kay for being the glue of their relationship, since she firmly stood by Phil's side while he was going through alcoholism and cheating around.
"Miss Kay had every reason to run away from a difficult, unfaithful husband, but she decided to do all she could to fight for her family's survival," they say.
Meanwhile, Phil is busy endorsing Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz for the upcoming elections.
"My qualifications for president of the United States are rather narrow: Is he or she godly? Does he or she love us? Can he or she do the job? And finally would they kill a duck and put him in a pot and make him a good duck gumbo?" Robertson told Fox News. "Cruz fits the bill."
His son Willie, on the other hand, has backed up Cruz's rival, Donald Trump.