Penumbral eclipse 2013: Best time to see darker moon tonight

Super Moon Video Screenshot/ Slooh Space Camera

A penumbral lunar eclipse will take place on the evening of October 18, 2013.

The unusual eclipse, which happens when the moon passes through Earth's shadow, will make the moon appear redder than usual.

Penumbra derives from the Latin word meaning next-to-the-shadow. This means that during a penumbral eclipse, the sunlight is partially blocked, casting a shadow over the moon. The sun, moon and Earth are further out of the perfect alignment, and the sun's light is filtered through the Earth's atmosphere, which makes the moon appear darker than usual.

The best time to see this year's final penumbral eclipse of the Hunter's moon will be 7:51 p.m. ET and will be visible for hours.

However, those living in the Midwest or West Coast will not be able to see the eclipse.

People living in Europe or Africa will have a better view of the eclipse than those living in North America.

The lunar eclipse will be safe to watch with the naked eye.

The next penumbral lunar eclipse will take place in April 15, 2014.