The Pentecost this year will be celebrated on June 4, and it calls many to have a leap of faith.
This 2017, Christians will be celebrating the Pentecost on June 4. Found in the New Testament in Acts 2:1–13, the Pentecost signifies the time when Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and when the Holy Spirit blessed His disciples and made them speak in different tongues.
Rooted from the word "pentekoste," which is the Greek term for "50th," the Pentecost also symbolizes the 50th day after Easter Sunday, creating the term Pentecost Sunday. On this day every year, Christians and people from different walks of life are encouraged to have a leap of faith.
According to the Catholic World Report, the Pentecost is often viewed as "too good to be true." Only those who have witnessed the Holy Spirit, having their tongues of fire, and Jesus Christ's ascension can prove if it is true, while others will need to have a leap of faith to believe in such historical event.
Even then, those close to Jesus Christ found it hard to believe that he lived again and that he ascended into heaven. When Mary of Magdala found Jesus Christ's tomb's empty, she suspected that the Jews had something to do with it. However, when His disciples, Peter and John, saw the empty tomb with His burial cloth scattered, they believed that Jesus Christ has come back to life.
However, when the apostles explained their belief in Jesus' resurrection, they did not say that it was only because they had seen Him first hand after his death and upon his ascension into heaven.
They expressed belief in all the ways that Jesus proved that God was with them. They also believe that the Holy Spirit was guiding them. It was continuous belief in Him that gave them the courage to have that leap of faith when the Pentecost came.