A pastor once targeted as a competitor by former Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll has been called to lead one of the Seattle mega-church's now-independent branch congregations.
Jeff Vanderstelt is a founding pastor of a Tacoma church which is part of the Soma network. When Mars Hill founded a church in Tacoma, Driscoll reportedly said "We'll hand Vanderstelt his ass once I'm there." The competitiveness and aggression which has come to be a hallmark of Driscoll's style – and is arguably more appropriate to a corporate than a ministry setting – has rebounded spectacularly, as Bellevue Church, a Mars Hill plant, has called Vanderstelt as its lead pastor.
The move follows an extended period of consultation. A statement from Bellevue Church pastor Jason Skelton said: "With a remarkable spirit of unity from both congregations, that we take as a sign of confirmation from the Holy Spirit, we now move forward with confidence in presenting this decision to you."

In further evidence of Mars Hill's changing fortunes, Bellevue Church will become a member of Vandervelt's Soma network.
Questions remain for Mars Hill's leaders about the use to which money raised for church-planting work in India and Ethiopia was put, with allegations – denied by the church – that it was diverted to general purposes.
A lawsuit naming former pastor Mark Driscoll, Sutton Turner, current teaching pastor David Bruskas and Jamie Munson as defendants is in preparation.
Former deacon Rob Smith has been raising funds for a legal action against Mars Hill. On the fundraising website he has called for a halt to the dissolution of the church pending the resolution of the issues, saying: "Because of the abuse of both people and money, it is essential that the dissolution of the church be delayed until the abuse can be clearly articulated by the church leadership, and repentance and restitution be made.
"At this point, only a just legal action will stop the dissolution of the church. A legal team has been hired and the delay of the dissolution will be sought so that true repentance and restitution can occur."