Pastor Ronnie Floyd Shares Secrets to a Happy Marriage: It's Based on Commitment to God and One Another

Pastor Ronnie Floyd hugs his wife of 40 years, Jeane. (Ronnie Floyd Blog)

Duggar family pastor Ronnie Floyd from Cross Church in Arkansas has been blessed by God with 40 years of happy marriage with his wife, Jeana.

Floyd revealed on his blog that their solid marriage did not just happen by chance since they both worked hard to make sure that they maintained love, trust and respect in their marriage. It wasn't always smooth-sailing, and there were definitely "some long days" when the fights and arguments felt overwhelming. But in the end, they persevered.

Floyd now wants to share some marriage tips that he and his wife learned through their years together. First, Floyd said couples have got to remember that marriage is based on a commitment not just to one another but also to God.

"It is not based solely upon the emotion and expression of love. For us, it has always been a commitment to God that has moved us forward through marriage," he said. "Our commitment to the covenant of marriage before God far exceeds any personal struggle we have faced together."

Another thing Floyd and his wife do constantly is strengthen their relationship. They do this by beginning each day with God. "Our personal time with God is a non-negotiable in our marriage," he said.

They also make sure to treat each other as partners throughout their relationship. They do not have "his days" or "her days," but only "our days." Sometimes, their schedules take them apart. But Floyd said he and his wife always prioritise their marriage and family time together.

Floyd said transition is inevitable in every relationship. But whatever life throws their way, he and Jeane always relied on each other.

"We belong together. Even with our unique tendencies and definite weaknesses, it is more than obvious to each of us that God has willed us to be together. Marriage is not always intimate among couples. But our marriage is an intimate relationship we only share together," he said

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