Pastor Greg Laurie describes what awaits people in heaven: Unfulfilled dreams on earth will finally be realised

Pastor Greg Laurie says Christians can enter heaven either 'through death or through Rapture.' (Greg Laurie's personal blog)

What is it truly like to be in heaven? Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship says some people may think that those who have gone to heaven would not remember anything of their previous lives on earth and that they would devote all of their time worshipping God.

Laurie says this is not true.

During his "What is Heaven Like" sermon, Laurie says people will still be aware of the injustices happening on earth, and they will also have a sense of the passing of time, according to The Christian Post. The only thing different about people in heaven is that they would look at things with a divine perspective.

"As believers, we are safe in God's arms in His presence," says Laurie.

Laurie—who has authored over 70 books such as "The Upside-Down Church" and "Hope for Hurting Hearts"—also says Christians will indeed worship God in heaven, but they will also be doing several other things in service to God. "We will be productive in heaven," he assures.

One of the best things about heaven, adds Laurie, is that people's unfulfilled dreams on earth will finally be realised there. "God's [going to] make it up to people," he says.

Laurie ends his sermon by saying that only Christians can enter heaven. But because of God's grace, anyone can become a Christian because of Jesus Christ.

Once they have accepted Jesus into their hearts, there are only two ways to get to heaven. "It's [going to] be through death or through Rapture," Laurie explains. "I think the next event on the prophetic calendar is the Rapture of the Church, and following that would be the emergence of the anti-Christ, the rebuilding of the temple, the Great Tribulation, and so on."

Laurie reminds people that if they only open the door of their lives to Jesus while they are still on earth, then one day God will do the same and open the door of heaven for His children.

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