Pastor Calls on Both Trump and Clinton to Repent, As Do 'the Majority of Us Christians in America'

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks during the presidential town hall debate with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, on Oct. 9, 2016. Reuters

Love them or hate them, Pastor Michael Anthony from Grace Fellowship of York, Pennsylvania said presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton bear a striking resemblance to a majority of Americans nowadays, and it's time for both of them — and most Americans as well — to repent.

"I think it's time to stop using Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as scapegoats," Anthony, founder and president of, wrote in an article for Charisma News. "Both profess to be Christian. Hillary is a long-standing Methodist; Trump, a Presbyterian. Yet both candidates have done, and keep doing, things that are entirely out of character for someone who is really following Christ. I think our major party candidates are the symptom of America's real, major problem: Christianity needs a reset."

Anthony strongly believes that God gives people leaders who are just like themselves. America is in a mess, and neither presidential candidate — who are complete messes themselves — can solve this issue. He said Trump and Clinton do not have the character, temperament and humility to really lead America. What's worse, self-identifying Christians in America are unfamiliar with God's voice, so they don't know what He's really saying about these candidates, he pointed out.

"People doing what is right in their own eyes, rather than in the eyes of God, is not a good thing at all. If we read our Bibles, we learn that God has a multiplicity of means to get the attention of His people — to get their eyes and hearts back on Him once they've strayed. One such way is to give His people leaders exactly — and I mean in the spitting image of — themselves," he explained.

To remedy this, Anthony said Trump and Clinton need to repent "big time," as do the majority of Christians in America. "God has, in the past, spoken to his people through a jackass. I think He is again speaking — very loudly and clearly — through an elephant and donkey, not about which one we ought to vote for, or against, but about a far more pressing and eternal need: the condition of our souls and our witness."