'Overwatch' updates: Mercy gets major downgrade with patch now live

"Overwatch" character Mercy gets downgrades with new patch released PlayOverwatch

Patch is now live on Blizzard's multiplayer title "Overwatch," giving Mercy and Junkrat's abilities downgrades to balance things out. Xbox One players are also getting the 4K support.

Developers from Blizzard addressed a common concern among gamers regarding Mercy's Resurrect ability. With the new patch, Mercy's Resurrect will no longer be instant when her Ultimate, Valkyrie is in play. "Mercy's recent Resurrect changes have helped in allowing enemies to have more counter play in dealing with her, but she was able to use Resurrect through Valkyrie enough to largely mitigate the impact of the previous changes," Blizzard explained.

The video game giant also decided to minimize her Guardian Angel ability by reducing its duration from 20 seconds to 15 seconds. Additionally, the speed bonus of the ability was decreased by 50%.

The new update also decreases Junkrat's Concussion Mine damage to targets positioned at a distance from the explosion's core. The large area damage was a big issue among gamers and the developers. Blizzard said, "With this change he can still dish out similar damage, but he must now be more accurate with his tosses." The 4K support is now available for the Xbox One X console. The update also fixes the bug with D. Va's face and hair textures not loading when she has the Black Cat skin on.

"Overwatch" gamers and critics are still discussing the new patch and weighing its pros and cons. However, everyone is busy monitoring the Overwatch League with Stage 1's fourth week underway. Seoul Dynasty is still at the top but no longer undefeated. Dynasty suffered their first lost at the hands of the New York Excelsior who are ranked second.

All teams have suffered defeats, but the Shanghai Dragons are still on dead last with six defeats and no victories. Things are heating up with the first stage about to be concluded.