'Overwatch' patch update: Nerfs Mercy and Junkrat

On Jan. 30, online multiplayer shooting game "Overwatch" released its latest patch.

The Jan. 30 patch repaired some of the bugs currently present in the game, however, one of the more notable things it did was nerf two of its fan favorites, Mercy and Junkrat. Mercy, the former, has always been subjected to nerfs for as long as fans can remember, and the constant nerfing of her skills has led to a mixture of cheers (from those who dislike the character) and complaints (from those who use her as their main Overwatch character).

Screenshot from the "Overwatch" trailer YouTube/PlayOverwatch

A field medic with one of the most potent healing spells in the game, Mercy is a force to be reckoned with. Originally, her resurrect skill could bring multiple of her fallen allies back into the game. However, many players complained that it was unfair, especially in competitive mode. The developers decided to tone down the skill, changing it so Mercy could only resurrect one person at a time. Small changes were made to her skillset and powers over time, with the latest change taking place on Jan. 30.

On Jan. 30, Mercy's ultimate skill, Valkyrie, was nerfed. Instead of lasting for 20 seconds, the skill will only last for 15 when activated. Aside from that, her speed boost has been lessened by 50 percent and her resurrection skill no longer activates instantly when she is in Valkyrie form.

According to PC Gamer, Junkrat received similar treatment during the patch, but on a more minor note. Junkrat wields double-charge concussion mines that he can toss around the area. The bombs make it easy for him to inflict large damage while on the move, but Blizzard decided to nerf it so Junkrat players would have to pay more attention to their targets. Instead of being able to toss the bombs around, they must now focus more on aiming and accuracy.

Nerfed heroes aside "Overwatch" will be bringing back its lunar new year event. The event will begin on Feb. 6, and will allow players to get their hands on new holiday-themed skins.