'Overwatch' news, updates: Players can now visit new Junkertown map

A promotional poster bearing the official logo of the online first-person shooter video game, "Overwatch," by Blizzard Entertainment. Facebook/OverwatchSEA

Junkertown, a new map for Blizzard Entertainment's first-person adventure shooter game "Overwatch," is now live for all players on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

The latest patch update for "Overwatch" brings the current game version to, and its primary content is the mysterious map of Junkertown. Located in the Australian Outback, the map is designed for the Escort game mode. The map also serves as the home of the game's resident fighters, Junkrat and Roadhog, Engadget reported.

According to Blizzard, Junkrat is made up of the parts of a deceased omnium and is now a place where the Junkers, a group of rowdy scavengers, live.

The Junkers are led by a ruthless Queen as they scavenge the remains of the omnium skeleton in exchange for money. There are times when the Junkers are seen blowing off steam in the Scrapyard — a gladiator arena where different fighters compete for glory, wealth and survival.

Aside from the Junkertown map, the latest "Overwatch" patch update also includes a few changes in the characters of Mercy and D.Va. Blizzard announced last month that they will tweak a few features of these characters to balance the game.

Mercy will be getting a new Valkyrie, giving her access to unlimited flight and ammunition for 20 seconds. Mercy's resurrect, however, has been downgraded to a regular skill that can revive one hero at a time.

On the other hand, D.Va will see her Defense Matrix being drained twice as fast as before. To balance this out, the character is receiving a new ability called Micro Missiles, which is useful for nominal area-of-effect damage.

Blizzard first teased the Junkertown update for "Overwatch" at Gamescom in Berlin last August. A week after the event, selected PC gamers were able to test the new map.

Junkertown will also be available in the upcoming free game weekend from Sept. 22 to 25.