'Overwatch' news: Blizzard World Map now available on PC public test realm

The "Overwatch" Gaming League will kick off its first season in early January 2018. YouTube/OverwatchLeague

The introduction of "Moira," the latest hero in "Overwatch," may be one of the highlights Blizzard World announced at Blizzcon 2017. However, another update in the game will surely have fans look forward to its release.

A few days ago, Blizzard released a new patch only accessible to PC-only Public Test Realm which consists of a new map called Blizzard World. According to its official description in the patch notes:

"An amusement park celebrating the universes of Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo, Blizzard World is a brand-new hybrid Assault/Escort map. Charge the gates of Stormwind, sneak through the Nexus Experience, and guide the payload through areas filled with high ground, flanking routes, and environmental hazards. Grab some Blizzard-inspired snacks at the concession stand along the way!"

An overview trailer of the map was also released by Blizzard, giving players a more in-depth tour of the map. It is also important to note that Blizzard World is quite different from other current maps in "Overwatch" as it features hybrid gameplay.

As of the moment, there is no word whether the Blizzard World map will also be made available to console PTR like Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Meaning, when the patch eventually comes to the consoles, not all changes will be incorporated into their systems. Although it is likely possible that Blizzard World may be integrated into the aforementioned consoles, the developers are still mum about the likeliness of the event.

To those who want to try out "Overwatch's" newest map, simply follow the details posted on the official "Overwatch" website. It is also noted by the developers that even though players outside the U.S. may participate in the PTR (except China), they must expect "lower performance and increased latency" as the servers are within the U.S. region only.

Aside from the introduction of the Blizzard World Map, other changes included in the latest patch notes are the removal of bots in the Custom Game lobby, artificial intelligence changes, several bug fixes, and more.