'Overwatch' Halloween Terror 2017 updates: Leaks show off skins for characters

The official logo of the first-person shooter video game by Blizzard, "Overwatch." Facebook/OverwatchSEA

Blizzard's online first-person shooter game "Overwatch" is looking to provide a treat for its players in preparation for Halloween. In fact, players from across different platforms, the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the PC, will be able to experience the event simultaneously starting Oct. 10, Friday.

In a report by The Daily Star, the event is now online, and it seems that Blizzard has not strayed away from the practice of having all players, no matter what platform, have access to special events at the same time. Blizzard has been doing an awesome job in keeping the details about the Halloween Event a secret, and players will have to access their accounts themselves to find out what is in store for them.

This entails for sure that a large update will be required in order to access the event. According to Express UK, some characters will be getting unique legendary skins during the Halloween Terror Event, including items as well. The leaks have persisted, despite the release date being very close. The leaks had reportedly come from a Reddit user named Mnemosynaut, who revealed that Reaper, Mei, Zanyatta, and Symmetra will all have skins up for grabs.

Another in-game cosmetic that players will want to watch out for is the Van-Helsing like legendary skin for Mcree, which had already been unveiled and teased by Blizzard. In a report by Death Rattle E-Sports, Mei will have a Jiang Shi inspired skin, which is a reference from ancient Chinese folk lore. As far as in-game currency goes, players would need to have 3000 gold coins to purchase one of the legendary skins.

Metro has also reported that there will be about 50 new collectible items which can include a lot of miscellaneous items, possibly some from last year's Halloween event. It appears that players will be compelled to keep themselves busy this Halloween season.

The "Overwatch" Halloween Event for 2017 will run until Nov. 2.