'Overwatch' anniversary event news: The next heroes are coming

It looks like there is no stopping "Overwatch" as new leaks and updates keep coming up this week. The game just finished its "Overwatch Upring" and reports are now saying that there is a new, much bigger event coming. What does Blizzard have in stored this coming "Overwatch" anniversary?

Overwatch is about to celebrate its anniversary, and expectations are getting high about the next hero. YouTube/PlayOverwatch

The first reported "Overwatch" news was from a Reddit user DeadGirlDreaming. The user says that they found unused voice files that all seem to be about a new objective-based competitive mode. The voice files contain the games' heroes talking about attacking, defending, escorting, and blowing up an objective. A new mode will require a new map, and in line with the first leak, another Reddit user found a new map that fits the bill. It seems that players are likely to get a new map if all these leaks will ring true.

Another "Overwatch" update that surfaced this week is about the anniversary event. The new leak confirms that the next hero will finally be added to the roster.

The reported hero is Doomfist and he is believed to join the band of heroes before the anniversary event on May 24. While the leaks confirm Doomfist, there is also another speculation that two more heroes will be coming to the game.

The rest of the "Overwatch" heroes are also expected to get a new look for the anniversary. Express shares the report they had regarding the new patch notes and the PTR updates said that each hero is sure to get at least five new cosmetic items. Some of these heroes are even stated to get more than five. Reapers are said to get the most items, with eight in total. Sombra, Tracer, and Orisa are getting seven items. Bastion, Genji, Zarya, Symmetria, Soldier:76, D.Va, Mei and Lucio are getting six each. The rest of the remaining heroes are each getting five items.

The expected event has yet to be announced, but many are already speculating.

These "Overwatch" news are still unofficial, and Blizzard has yet to confirm which ones are true.

"Overwatch" is now available for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.