"One Punch Man" fans have been hoping for a second season ever since manga creator Yusuke Murata promised that he will do all he can to make season 2 a reality. The first season ended its 12-episode run last December, and while season 2 has yet to be confirmed, it is believed that the manga creator is now hard at work on fresh episodes.
For now, there has been no news about the next season's storylines, but a Reddit user has plotted out possible scenes for episodes 1 to 6 based on the manga, to illustrate why there are not enough chapters to fill a 12-episode season.
Reddit user Heatstrike responded to a "One Punch Man " season 2 hype thread started by Icishido, and in his comment Heatstrike said that he doubts there will be a second season as there isn't enough content for a new season.
The Reddit user said that episode 1 will possibly span chapters 38 to 40 of the manga called the King's chapters, which will feature a criminal gathering ending with Garou leaving after beating everyone up. Meanwhile, episode 2 will be made up of chapters 41 to 44 with a battle between Fubuki and Saitama and Sonic versus Genos, which ends with Garou beating up Tanktop Vegetarian.
Episode 3 will likely be taken from chapters 45 to 47, while Episode 4, which covers chapters 48 to 50, will see Saitama getting a martial arts ticket. The next episode (chapters 51 to 53) will see the heroes in a martial arts tournament, and the sixth episode (chapters 54 to 56) will feature a battle between Metal Bat and Centipede, among others characters.
Heatstrike said that if season 2 will center on the chapters that were mentioned, then the pace and chapter-to-episode ratio will be lower for the upcoming season than it was for season 1. The Reddit user added that one option for the second season to have 12 episodes is to feature the Hero Hunt arc, slow the pace, and add some scenes from season one.
As of the moment, the "One Punch Man" manga has only 59 chapters. Whether the story goes for season 2 is entirely up to Murata, and it was speculated that it could take six to nine months for the second season to be finished. If the rumors are true, then it's possible that the new season will premiere in December 2016.