'One Piece' chapter 892 spoilers update: Big Mom gets Sanji's cake

Fans of Eiichiro Oda's hit manga series "One Piece" are excited to see what chapter 892 can offer. According to reports, the next chapter will continue the fight between Luffy and Katakuri in the Mirror World. Readers are also expecting to see Big Mom finally getting Sanji's cake.

During the match, Katakuri observed that Luffy can already foresee the future same as he did. This comes after Luffy got his improved Observation Haki. But Katakuri believes that the Observation Haki is not yet that frequent and is not yet working perfectly.

The characters of "One Piece" anime as featured on the official website of Toei Animation Toei Animation Website

The upgrade of Luffy's Haki is not what some fans expected since many wanted to see Gear 5 upgrade or an Awakening. But there are also other fans who believe that the upgrade is awesome, and this could help the Straw Hat Pirate leader defeat Katakuri.

In chapter 891, it showed that the Straw Hats were in a dire situation when Prometheus grew into a giant fireball over the Thousand Sunny. Reports reveal that while the pirates were figuring out how to defeat Big Mom, they saw Bege's ship coming where the wedding cake is.

This means that the next episode will feature Sanji giving the cake to Big Mom. For sure, the cake will calm Big Mom, but this might also have a different effect on her. Some fans say that Big Mom will get knocked out with the taste of the cake. To recall, Sanji let Bege taste the cake's frosting, and he passed out because of how delicious it is.

Knowing Big Mom, she will no doubt devour the entire cake. But will she be contented? Others believe that the cake will help her recover her sanity back. What will she do with the Straw Hat Pirates once her cake craving is satisfied?

Aside from that, it is possible that fans will see Germa 66 in the manga after they defeat the 10,000 soldiers of Big Mom. The Vinsmokes will be on their way to seek revenge against Big Mom and help the Straw Hat Pirates.

"One Piece" chapter 892 will be released this week.