'One Piece' chapter 891 spoilers: Will Luffy finally take on Katakuri?

Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates Viz Media

With all the action present in "One Piece" chapter 890 titled "Big Mom on Deck," fans of the longtime-running manga around the world are sharing various theories as to what happens next in chapter 891.

Many are hoping that Luffy will finally take part in an epic battle in the upcoming chapter, as the intense action in chapter 89 didn't see the Straw Hat Pirates leader in the spotlight. Meanwhile, others are betting on the chance that chapter 891 is where the battle between Luffy and Katakuri would take place.

There are also fans who felt nostalgic reading the previous chapter, as seeing how the Straw Hat Pirates take down Big Mom without the assistance of Luffy reminded them how much the group has grown since the start of their journey.

In the previous chapter, Big Mom decided to raid Luffy's ship while the Straw Hat Pirate Leader is away with the wedding cake. Big Mom brought Napoleon, Zeus, and Prometheus to help take down the Thousand Sunny, but Nami, Jinbe, Brook, and Chopper managed to fend off the enemy and protect their ship.

Jinbe managed to push back Big Mom by utilizing his power, while Brook cut Zeus into two so he couldn't be used for Big Mom's transport. Nami then allowed the group to escape by gathering all her energy and struck Big Mom with a lightning bolt she harnessed from all the energy she got from Zeus. The Straw Hat Pirates successfully escaped, with Big Mom on their tail riding Prometheus.

Of course, Big Mom is not someone that can be taken down in a jiffy, but still, the teamwork of the Straw Hat Pirates in chapter 890 was incredible.

Fans may have to sit tight for a whole week though, as famous manga creator Eiichiro Oda decided to take a one week break before releasing chapter 891. Many think that the break is this week itself, seeing as chapter 89 came earlier than expected. Supposed to be, the previous chapter releases this week, instead, it became available before 217 ended. Fans should expect chapter 891 to come out on Jan. 12 this year.