'One Piece' chapter 865 rumors suggest Big Mom may finally be defeated

Will Big Mom finally be defeated in "One Piece" chapter 865? Viz Media

The upcoming chapter 865 of "One Piece" is suspected to finally feature the defeat of Big Mom as she finally comes face-to-face with her enemies.

The current chapter of "One Piece" features Luffy and Bege's combined efforts successfully averting Sanji and Pudding's wedding. Furthermore, Brook succeeds in shattering Big Mom's favorite heirloom, the photo of Mount Caramel, leaving Big Mom, surprisingly, without reaction. 

According to reports, though, Big Mom will finally be vulnerable to her opponents in the upcoming chapter 865 of the popular manga series as both Luffy and Bege have orchestrated something that will ensure her defeat. However, some still suspect that the much-awaited defeat of the powerful Yonkou pirate may not happen just yet as she may regain her senses following the shock that engulfs her over the destruction of her favorite heirloom.

Reportedly, while Big Mom appears devil-may-care after Brook destroyed the picture of Mount Caramel, it is only because she is in a state of shock. It is said she will eventually regain her senses and give her opponents a good fight in the upcoming chapter 865. Rumors claim that, once she snaps out of her shock, Big Mom will shriek at the sight of the ruined wedding cake and the destroyed Mount Caramel picture. However, it is said that her crew will remind her to deal with something more important: the threat on her life.

Nonetheless, even if Big Mom pulls herself together in "One Piece" chapter 865, it is said things will not be favorable on her. To the uninitiated, the current chapter shows Dogtooth reacting anxiously after the destruction of the Mount Caramel picture and the wedding cake. As Dogtooth has the ability to see things in the future seconds before they happen, some believe that he must have had a vision that terrified him, prompting him to display such a reaction.

Will Big Mom finally be defeated in the next chapter of "One Piece?"

Find out when "One Piece" chapter 865 arrives in the coming days.