'One Piece' chapter 864 rumors: Big Mom to go crazy over destruction of portrait Mother Caramel

Big Mom is expected to go berserk in "One Piece" chapter 864. Viz Media

It is expected that things will continue to heat up in "One Piece" as it is suspected that Big Mom will be fully enraged in the upcoming chapter 864 of the manga series after the cherished portrait of Mother Caramel is destroyed in the current chapter.

Chapter 863 of "One Piece" finally revealed that the multiple versions of Luffy are actually wild animals that one of Big Mom's daughters, Brulee, magically created upon Luffy's instructions. While Big Mom's men and children were confused on who the real Luffy is, Dog Tooth successfully identified the real version of the Straw Hat pirate and averted his plan of destroying Mother Caramel's portrait.

Despite Dog Tooth's ability to see future events seconds before they happen — enabling him to prevent Luffy from destroying the cherished possession of Big Mom — he obviously did not see it coming that somebody else will do it in lieu of Luffy: Brook, who was also disguised as Luffy. Hence, even if Dog Tooth kicked the Straw Hat pirate, Brook still managed to destroy Mother Caramel's portrait with the use of a hammer.

Because of what happened, it is now suspected that Big Mom will unleash all her anger in the upcoming chapter 864 of "One Piece." According to reports, fans opine in an online forum that it is likely for the Yonkou pirate to include Brook and Luffy on the list of those she wants to kill because of what happened. As it is suspected that she will finally find out that Jinbei has been betraying her all along, she will run after his life, too.

It is said that the upcoming chapter 864 of "One Piece" will feature Luffy being captured by Big Mom's men. With all her discoveries, many suspect that she will go berserk, and Luffy's life will be in great danger.

What will Big Mom do to Luffy? Will Luffy really be captured?

Find out when "One Piece" chapter 864 arrives anytime this week.