One Million Moms raps Nickelodeon for featuring same-sex couple on 'The Loud House' animated show for kids

Gay couple Harold and Howard McBride with their son Clyde in a scene from 'The Loud House' episode 'Overnight Success.' (Screenshot/Twitter/LeoDaVinci)

The Christian watchdog group One Million Moms is alerting all parents on Nickelodeon's animated show "The Loud House," since it featured a married same-sex couple in the episode "Overnight Success," which was aired on July 20.

One Million Moms thinks it's unfortunate how children are now being exposed to same-sex marriage on a network that is designed just for kids.

"Just because something may be legal or because some are choosing a lifestyle doesn't make it morally correct. Nickelodeon should stick to entertaining instead of pushing an agenda. Nickelodeon has decided to be politically correct instead of providing family-friendly programming," the group writes on its website.

Kids face dangers when they are exposed to same-sex marriages this early. One Million Moms says Nickelodeon is forcing "a premature discussion on sexual orientation that is completely uncalled for."

The group hopes conservative families would press Nickelodeon to avoid controversial topics that are beyond children's comprehension, and stick to wholesome entertainment.

"This is the last place a parent would expect their children to be confronted with topics that are too difficult for them to understand. Mature issues of this nature are being introduced too early and too soon, and it is extremely unnecessary," the group says.

In the said episode, married gay couple Harold and Howard McBride take their son Clyde to his friend Lincoln Loud's house for a sleepover. When Loud opens the door, he happily greets them, "Hey, Clyde. Hi, Mr. McBride. Hi, Mr. McBride."

Before leaving, Howard even gets down on his knees and cries. "He is growing up so fast," he sobs, while his partner tries to calm him down. Harold says, "Come on Howie, remember what Dr. Lopez said about letting go. Now, let go."