"Once Upon a Time" story news: Series gets a new villain

The search for Hook starts as the Storybrooke characters head to the Underworld in Once Upon a Time. Facebook/ OnceABC

ABC's fantasy series "Once Upon a Time" has entered its winter hiatus as the airing of episodes will be halted for three months. Viewers can expect the 12th episode of season 5 to return on March 6, 2016.

The 11th episode of the fantasy series titled "Swan Song" was aired last Dec. 6, and "Once Upon a Time" will have to wait for the winter season to pass until they see episode 12, which will also be the 100th episode of ABC's fairy tale series. Episode 12 also marks the second half of the show.

"The second half is a lot about them getting closure on their pasts and how the past comes to haunt you. What people are going to see — kind of in honor of the 100th episode in our fifth year — is really seeing a lot of people from our past who we haven't seen in a while," show creator Eddy Kitsis said in an interview with Hollywood Reporter.

In addition, it is also reported that episode 12 of the fantasy will see the entry of a new villain- "Once Upon a Time's" version of Hades. Greg Germann will reportedly play the role of Hades for the season opener.

"We're going to be meeting the 'Once Upon a Time' version of Hades in the second half of the season." Adam Horowitz, one of the executive producers, said to Entertainment Weekly. The villain is introduced as Emma Swan, played by Jennifer Morrison, and she travels to the Underworld in an attempt to rescue Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue).

The story of the series is centered around an alternate universe containing a mash-up of various fairy tale characters. The plot revolves around protagonist Swan who comes to a town called Storybrooke, where she becomes the saviour the town has been waiting for.

"Once Upon A Time" season 5 is on a mid-season break and will return with "Souls of the Departed" on 6 March, 2016.