'Once Upon a Time' season 6 winter finale spoilers: Emma is no longer a Savior

A promo still from "Once Upon a Time" season 6 episode 7 featuring Charming (Josh Dallas), Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) ABC

The "Once Upon a Time" season 6 winter finale, "Wish You Were Here," will be the epitome of the "be careful what you wish for" warnings everyone has heard at one point in their lives.

For Emma (Jennifer Morrison), the stress of being the Savior got to her to the point where she wished she was not the chosen one. She did so while speaking to Aladdin (Deniz Akdeniz).

It does not look like Emma meant it and that she only said it because of the burden it has given her so far. After all, Emma chose to stay as Savior even when she was given the chance to have the responsibility taken away from her.

However, the Evil Queen (Lana Parilla) likes to take things quite literally when needed, which is why in "Once Upon A Time" season 6 winter finale, she will wish for Emma's wish to be granted.

She does so through none other than the magic lamp, which she got a hold of by capturing Aladdin and Jasmine (Karen David).

Now that she is no longer the Savior, Emma becomes a princess who likes to skip around and smell flowers in the Enchanted Forest. Regina is surprised seeing her this way.

The promotional stills from the "Once Upon a Time" season 6 winter finale released by Entertainment Weekly suggests that Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming (Josh Dallas) are queen and king, with Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) a knight.

It looks like they were all affected by the wish, or, at least, they will be as the change continues to settle in and become recognized the reality.

The "Once Upon a Time" season 6 winter finale synopsis teases that Charming will enlist Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Henry to deal with the Evil Queen as he figures things out how to bring Emma back.

Regina, on the other hand, will go on a "rogue rescue mission," which might involve Emma. Going rogue almost always means trouble, and this might be what Regina is getting into in the episode.

Teasing what's in store in the "Once Upon a Time" season 6 winter finale, executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis told Entertainment Weekly: "In a season that's seen a returning Evil Queen, a Savior in crisis, and a renegade genie all facing a dire prophecy, hope returns to Storybrooke in the form of a magical wish. But of course, like all magic, it comes with a price — and this price upends the world of all of our fairy tale heroes and villains as they are thrown into an adventure involving new worlds, old loves, and an impending destiny that can no longer be ignored."

The "Once Upon a Time" season 6 winter finale, "Wish You Were Here," airs on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.