'Once upon a Time' season 6 episode 16 spoilers: Gideon asks for Emma's help to bring down the Black Fairy

Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Gideon (Giles Matthey) in episode 16 of 'Once upon a Time' season 6. disneyabcpress.com

Gideon (Giles Matthey) will be asking for the help of Emma (Jennifer Morrison) to defeat the villain in episode 16 of "Once upon a Time" season 6. Will they be able to put their differences aside?

The official synopsis for the upcoming episode titled "Mother's Little Helper" reveals that Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) and Belle (Emilie de Ravin) will convince Emma to help Gideon bring down the Black Fairy (Jaime Murray).

In the promotional preview of episode 19, Gideon asks for Emma's help to defeat the Black Fairy. However, Emma tells him that she will never lend her hand. At this point, it is no surprise that Emma is still cold with Gideon, especially since it was the latter who captured his fiancé Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) previously.

However, Mr. Gold tries to convince Emma to change her mind. He tells her that every bad thing that happened is because of the Black Fairy. In fact, she was the one who convinced Gideon to go to Storybrooke and kill Emma. The Black Fairy was also the person responsible for giving Gideon a hard life, even torturing him so that he can become her ideal apprentice.

Gideon tells Emma that if he does not stop the villain, no one will. Emma seems to have agreed in the end, as the preview shows both of them doing their best to defeat the Black Fairy.

Aside from this, Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) will have some problems with his power in the upcoming episode of the fantasy-drama. With this, Regina (Lana Parrilla) will turn to the Author to look for answers. In addition, the summary reveals that Hook will be betting on a prized possession in a game of cards.

Episode 16 of season 6 airs on Sunday, April 9, at 8 p.m. EDT on ABC.