Once Upon A Time In Wonderland cancelled: No season 2 but characters may star in other series

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

The season 1 finale of  "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland" airs tonight on ABC, and with the end of the series comes the end of the show. The show will not host a second season. 

The short-lived series, which premiered on October 10, 2013 was a spinoff of "Once Upon a Time," and featured the world of Alice in Wonderland. ABC executives decided to cancel the show after the first season due to low viewership.

In an E! News interview, executive producers Adam Horowitz and Eddie Kitsis said that there are no current plans to merge "Once Upon a Time" and "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland," although it is possible.

"The two stories kind of take place in different times," Kitsis said. Horowitz additionally pointed out that the two universes were "slightly out of sync."

However, Horowitz added, "I would say that we love the characters in [Wonderland] obviously, and would certainly be open to it down the line. .. Next year, perhaps."

E! later confirmed that Michael Socha, the actor who plays the Knave of Hearts/Will, will be crossing over into "Once Upon a Time" for its 4<sup>th season. It is still not clear if other characters will be making the crossover.

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland airs tonight at 8.p.m. Eastern/7 p.m. Central on ABC.