Looks like "Okami" is getting an HD remake. Rumored to go live on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 (PS4) platforms this upcoming winter, "Okami" was awarded by IGN as the 2006 "Game of the Year." It is considered as one of the best video games ever made.
Although this is not the first an "Okami" HD remake is on the cards this year, speculations were further strengthened when the game appeared on Sept. 8 in the Korean Ratings Board, listing "Okami HD" as a future release for the Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Prior to this, a report made by Kotaku UK last August claimed that two European retail chains have listed "Okami HD" in their internal upcoming physical releases calendar. According to their sources, the game is set for release this Dec. 12, just in time for Christmas season. Although, it is not mentioned why the remake of the game will be initially seen in the EU, when the 2012 HD release on PS3 was only made available in the west.
Capcom UK did not try to respond for comment concerning the potential Christmas release of "Okami HD," but fans are keeping their fingers crossed. With the additional information provided by the Korean Ratings Board, many are thinking it might be true, since the site is a well-known source for video game leaks. Just this year, KRB unveiled the existence of "Mega Man Legacy Collection 2."
"Okami" revolves around "Amaterasu," a Shinto sun goddess who protects the land from danger and darkness. It's set sometime in classical Japanese history, with several Japanese myths and folklore combined to make the storyline of the game.
The initial release of "Okami' back in 2006 was met with critical acclaim due to its unique and stunning visuals inspired by the traditional Japanese sumi-e paintings. It was first released on PS2, with an HD version for PS3 was released in 2012. The game's only sequel is called "Okamiden," and it was launched on Nintendo DS in 2011.