Octomom welfare: Nadya Suleman in alleged welfare fraud investigations [Video]

This image provided by NBC shows Nadya Suleman, left, speaking with Ann Curry in New York on Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009, in Suleman's first interview since giving birth to octuplets. AP/NBC

Octomom welfare problems continue, according to new reports out this week, which allege that investigators are currently looking into her welfare claims and have even taken steps to look into her bank accounts and other private documents.

It has been alleged, according to Inquisitr, that Nadya Suleman, known as Octomom, has been claiming welfare payments she is not entitled to by not revealing to authorities all the cash she has earned through her adult film and stripper jobs in recent years.

If found guilty of welfare fraud, Octomon could face up to three years in jail.

Investigators are reported to have already obtained a warrant to grant them permission to seize Suleman's financial statements and employment records over her period on welfare.

The Los Angeles County Dept. of Welfare Fraud Prevention and Investigation (WFP&I) is the body looking into Suleman's finances.

Octomom's welfare benefits kick unless she earns a substantial amount each year. According to reports, because Suleman has 14 children, she is entitled to receive welfare payments as long as she is earning less than $119,000 a year, as this is the minimum level assessed for her to take care of her family.

Octomom received increased publicity last year when she filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. She had previously stated that making the decision to go on welfare was a tough one: "I have had to make some very difficult decisions this year, and filing Chapter 7 was one of them. But I have to do what is best for my children and I need a fresh start," she said at the time.

Here is a previous video of Dr Phil talking about Nadya Suleman: