Obama vetoes bill aiming to defund Planned Parenthood, repeal Affordable Care Act

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan signs a bill repealing Obamacare and defunding Planned Parenthood at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 7, 2016. However, President Barack Obama immediately vetoed the bill. Reuters

As expected, U.S. President Barack Obama vetoed Friday a bill that would end the Affordable Care Act, his centrepiece programme popularly known as Obamacare, and defund abortion service provider Planned Parenthood.

The bill, H.R. 3762 or the "Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015,″ was earlier passed by Congress and sent to the President on Thursday.

It aimed at ending funding for Planned Parenthood for the next fiscal years, ending IRS-collected penalty on taxpayers who don't carry government mandated health insurance, easing restrictions on health savings accounts and modifying or removing many federal health insurance mandates on small businesses and state agencies, the WND reported.

In defending his veto, the President said, "About 17.6 million Americans have gained health care coverage as the law's coverage provisions have taken effect. The nation's uninsured rate now stands at its lowest level ever, and demand for marketplace coverage during December 2015 was at an all-time high."

Obama said Republicans in Congress have attempted to repeal the health care act over 50 times.

He also defended Planned Parenthood, saying it provides "a range of important preventive care and health services, including health screenings, vaccinations, and check-ups to millions of men and women who visit their health centres annually."

Republican Rep. Diane Black said, "President Obama's gall is stunning."

"He spent this week discussing the need to 'protect innocent people' and 'save more lives' yet he callously vetoed a bill to protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us from the heinous abuses of Planned Parenthood," she said.

Pro-life Concerned Women for America said, "Regardless of where you stand on abortion, most people are not in favour of forcing Americans to violate their consciences. Our president is forcing taxpayers to fund the nation's largest abortion provider. This is wrong and will not stand."

According to the Alliance Defending Freedom, "The president has chosen to continue funding for the abortion giant that helped get him elected rather than expand health care choices for women."

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said by vetoing the bill, the President "bear the moral responsibility for sending taxpayer dollars to a group that has engaged in the selling of baby body parts."

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