No more SMS spam, say mobile users


Mobile users are tired of receiving spam text messages and want network operators to block them, says a new survey.

Telsis, a British technology company, conducted a survey of mobile phone users aged between 19 and 70, and found that over 80% of those asked find text spam irritating.

A majority (73%) say networks should follow the example of internet companies, who protect users from junk email.

Data collected in the survey suggests that networks who chose to provide comprehensive spam protection would gain a good number of new customers. Fourteen per cent said they would be "very likely" to switch operators, while 68% said they would "maybe" move.

Head of Marketing at Telis, Nigel Shaw, asserts that not only is text spam annoying, but it also claims many victims.
Texts often lure users into calling premium-rate numbers and divulging personal information such as bank details.

"Fifteen people fall for spam for every one person that reports it," Mr Shaw says.

Better protection against spam is becoming a "hot issue", according to Shaw. Telsis says that by adding transport layer protection to carry out address verification and profiling, which would cost just a few pence per subscriber, operators could defeat these types of attack.

"As the survey shows, networks that deploy transport layer protection will generate substantial brand value and attract new customers, as well as better protect themselves from fraud," concludes Shaw.