'No good tree bears bad fruit': Language reveals person's relations with God, says Ben Seewald

New dad Ben Seewald says 'what is in your heart will come out in what you say and how you say it.' (Instagram/Jessa Seewald)

Ben Seewald, husband of Jessa Duggar from "Jill and Jessa: Counting On," says he dreams of becoming a pastor one day. Even though he has a lot of studies to make before he could become one, Seewald is already sharing the Gospel every chance he gets.

On the Seewald Family Blog, the aspiring pastor wrote about the importance of one's language. "What is in your heart will come out in what you say and how you say it," he says. "You can tell a lot about where a person is at with God by how they talk. We should be filling our hearts with God's Word, our minds with thoughts of Him, and our speech will begin to reflect that."

In order to keep one's language in check, Seewald is encouraging Christians to reflect about the things they do during their spare time, and what subjects they pursue and find the most joy talking about.

Seewald also wants people to check their language whenever they are tired, angry, or fearful. In fact, he wants Christians to ask themselves: "Would I change anything about the way I talk if God was sitting in the room?"

Seewald says this is actually ironic to contemplate because God is everywhere and knows everything, and yet people always forget that God is watching over everything they do.

He then shared the Bible passage Luke 6:43-45 for meditation. It reads, "For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."

Seewald's devotional received a lot of positive comments from readers, who thanked him for sharing "great words of wisdom."

Others thanked Seewald for touching their hearts and reminding them about God's Word.

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