Nintendo NX release date: Pre-ordering begins Feb. 2016

Unofficial concept design for Nintendo NX Nintendo

As 2016 draws closer, Nintendo fans look forward to getting an announcement on the Nintendo NX. Reports have said that one of the first announcements to be made will be a pre-ordering schedule, which should happen on Feb. 2016.

Late this year, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata announced that the company is coming up with a new gaming console, but has vowed to remain silent until 2016 comes around. The next gaming device by Nintendo is said to be a hybrid of a mobile and TV-mounted console, giving it a direction that veers away from the Wii experience.

According to China Topix, the pre-ordering of the Nintendo-produced gaming console, which everyone is giving the code name Nintendo NX, will reportedly start in February next year.

In addition to that, Nintendo Enthusiast reports recent rumours claiming that the Nintendo NX will be showcased in a closed-door presentation in the upcoming CES 2016. The presentation invite has been allegedly sent out to third-party gaming companies to show the power and capacity of the NX, so it is most likely that the pre-ordering schedule will be confirmed there as well.

However, contrary to what Nintendo fans want to hear, there are some that believe that the next Nintendo console will not be coming out in 2016. Famous gaming industry analyst Michael Pachter shares in one of his latest prediction episodes that it is unlikely that the NX will launch in 2016.

"If any western developer has a dev kit, who knows me, I think they would have told me by now", says Pachter in an episode for Pachter Factor. He then gives assurance to viewers that his contacts are reliable.

Nintendo's latest console is the Nintendo Wii U, which comes with a game pad that has its own 6.2-inch, 16:9 aspect ratio LCD touch screen on the controller. The console was released back in Nov. 2012, and has since then sold only 10 million units, which is not a very significant number for a gaming console.

The Nintendo NX aims to redeem Nintendo after losing support of companies such as EA, Bethesda Softworks and Activision.