Nick Vujicic's father admits he never imagined limbless son would marry and have kids of his own

Nick Vujicic flashes a huge smile with his wife Kanae beside him and two boys Kiyoshi (R) and Dejan (L) in tow. (Facebook/Nick Vujicic)

Boris Vujicic, father of limbless evangelist Nick Vujicic, never imagined that his son would find bliss in marriage and experience the joys of fatherhood. He was glad he was wrong.

Nick interviewed his father to talk about the upcoming release of his new book entitled "Raising the Perfectly Imperfect Child: Facing the Challenges with Strength, Courage, and Hope." In the video interview, Boris says he hopes his readers would be inspired to trust God while facing life's difficulties.

Boris explains that people go through different struggles in life, but he wants them to remember that all of their pain and hardships are temporary. "We can grow, develop, persevere, and overcome amazing obstacles in our lives," he says.

For Boris, it was a real struggle to raise Nick, who was born with Tetra-amelia syndrome—a rare disorder characterised by the absence of arms and legs in the newborn baby. Back then, he couldn't have imagined how Nick would turn his life for the better by using his disability to motivate others not only to overcome personal challenges, but to dedicate their lives to God as well.

One of the proudest moments of Boris' life was seeing his son minister to thousands of young people in Vietnam back in 2014. He told Nick that he is extremely proud "that you have become a leader in some aspects, an internationally influential person; that God has turned your disability to be used as a powerful force to motivate not only those with disabilities, but also the world all over."

Another highlight of his life, according to Boris, was when Nick married his wife Kanae back in 2012. He describes the wedding ceremony as a "very emotional time for all of us as a family."

Moreover, the "crowning of it all was when [Nick and Kanae's son] Kiyoshi was born." Kiyoshi was followed by another baby boy named Dejan Levi, who was born on Aug. 7, 2015.

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