Nick Vujicic tells students struggling with negativity: 'Jesus is always near so you're never alone'

Nick Vujicic tells students: 'You're all beautiful just the way that you are.' (Life without Limbs)

As someone who was born without any arms or legs, limbless evangelist Nick Vujicic really stood out like a sore thumb among his peers and was heavily bullied while he was growing up.

Vujicic understands very well how difficult it is to remain positive when it seems like the whole world is against you. So when he spoke recently with the students of Bishop Amat High School in La Puente, California, he told them to turn to God during times of distress, the Angelus News reported.

"I want [you all] to know that you're all beautiful just the way that you are," said Vujicic. "We all have our ups and downs in life, but I want you to know that God loves you no matter what!"

Even though bad things happen in life, Vujicic told the students not to worry because they will always have God on their side. "Sometimes people knock you down, but ... Jesus [is with you], so you're never alone," he said.

Sometimes, Vujicic said people fail to notice the presence of Jesus, and that is why they give in to self doubt and negative self-talk.

"We hear the little voices in our head saying, 'You're not special... God has forgotten you... You can't do what everyone else does... You're a nobody... You have no friends... You can't do anything — you can't even brush your teeth Nick... Maybe you should just give up,'" said Vujicic.

But caving into these thoughts is wrong, he said. People need to be resilient when it comes to life's battle and if they fall down, they should be ready to pick themselves up and move on.

"If you do fall down, what do you do? You get back up. So when we go through different difficulties and storms in life... remember that they will pass, and when you fall down, you have to get back up and keep on trusting in God, that he loves you and you're valuable and he has an awesome plan for you," he said.

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