Nick Vujicic tells people with disabilities like him: Embrace God and you will have everything you need

Nick Vujicic is confident he will have arms and legs once he is already in heaven. (Life without Limbs)

There are a lot of things that people who are blessed with complete arms and legs take for granted, such as walking, running, and even hugging. Limbless evangelist Nick Vujicic would love nothing more than to do all of those things, but because of his Tetra-amelia syndrome, he has to soldier on in life equipped with just a positive attitude.

"If I had arms right now, I would wrap my arms around my wife, pick her up and throw her into the closest pool for fun," he shared during an interview with the Daily Herald. "Obviously, I can't hold my wife's hand, but I don't need to hold her hand, I just need to hold her heart. You don't need hands to hug people."

Vujicic cannot recall the last time he prayed to God to give him arms and legs, because he has come to terms with his condition. What Vujicic is looking forward to right now is eternal life in heaven, because there, he is sure that God would make him whole.

"I know that when I am in heaven, I will have my arms and legs, and I know that I will be hugging a couple of people in heaven who will be saying, 'Nick, thank you for coming to my school or country and helping me believe that there was something more in my life and heaven is real.' That's the greatest thing of all," he said.

For those who have physical disabilities like himself, Vujicic hopes that they would find peace with God just like he did. When people with disabilities embrace God's love for them, Vujicic assures that their every need will be met.

"I hope to encourage adults and children that God does not give us more than we can handle," he said. "Our hope isn't on this earth but knowing that those who believe will go to heaven. In the meantime, if He doesn't change a circumstance, your heart can be changed to a point that you'll see one day, I believe even good purpose brought forward."

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