Bible commentaries pulped after New Testament scholar admits plagiarism

Several New Testament commentaries have been pulped after allegations of plagiarism were made.

The allegations were initially made against O'Brien's 'The Letter to the Hebrews' Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. press office

Three volumes by Peter T O'Brien, a theologian, author and priest, have been recalled and destroyed by Eerdmans publishing. Editors found several instances where the text ran "afoul of commonly accepted standards with regard to the utilization and documentation of secondary sources".

James Ernest, editor-in-chief at Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co said that after the allegations of plagiarism were received, an internal investigation was made before the books were recalled. "We agreed that the book could not be retained in print," he said.

The initial allegations were made against O'Brien's 'The Letter to the Hebrews'. But further examinations of his 'Letter to the Ephesians' and Epistle to the Philippians' found they were also "untenable".

Eerdmans have said they will no longer sell any of O'Brien's works and will put existing copies out of print. They also offered to credit anyone who has purchased the books.

O'Brien is an Australian New Testament scholar and former vice principal of Moore Theological College in Sydney. Alongside the college he also trained at the University of Manchester and is a priest in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

He apologised for the plagiarism which he said was obvious but accidental.

"In the New Testament commentaries that I have written, although I have never deliberately misused the work of others, nevertheless I now see that my work processes at times have been faulty and have generated clear-cut, but unintentional, plagiarism.

"For this I apologize without reservation."

Anna Eerdmans, the company's president said: "Eerdmans is steadfastly committed to the highest ethical standards in academic and business practice, and we apologize to all who are negatively affected by this situation. Our Bible commentary series, among the best of their kind, are authored and edited by the field's top scholars.

"The strong measures we are taking in this case are meant to underscore our firm belief that our commentary program is, and must remain, solid."

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