New online course tackles binge eating

 (Macin Smolinski)

An online course offering self help for binge eaters has been launched by the creator of a leading Christian weight loss website.

Kimberly Taylor, who once suffered from the condition herself and reached 240 pounds in weight, put Biblical principles into action to help her regain control of her eating and lose over six stone.

She then started, which encourages overweight Christians to radically transform their lifestyles. "It's not about size; it is about stewardship. Decide today to make the most of all the resources God has given you so you can live the abundant life to which He calls you," the website says.

Taylor's new course, 'How to stop binge eating', has been launched through Udemy – the world's largest destination for online classes. In one week it gained over 450 students.

It promises "cutting-edge research" and "emotional comfort techniques" to give students confidence to reclaim their eating habits.

"The course goal is to empower those with binge eating disorders to change...These practical, Biblical principles will show you how to manage your emotions in a healthy way," says Taylor.

The National Disorders Association reports statistics that reveal a shocking 10 million people in the US suffer from binge eating, and Taylor has found that emotional eating is the biggest obstacle women face with weight loss.

"When I suffered from binge eating, I used food as emotional 'Novocaine' to numb myself to painful feelings, such as anxiety, anger, or depression," she explains.

"I've discovered that many binge eating disorders are rooted in childhood; many sufferers have dealt with abuse, neglect, or rejection.

"A major part of healing is learning emotional management techniques and how to trust God with deeper wounds."

She believes that through taking part in the programme, students will be given the tools to help them stop compulsive eating behaviours, learn discipline, and discover their "real purpose in life".

"Once I decided to allow God to replace my weakness with His strength, my life was forever transformed," Taylor finishes.

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