New Claims Of Evidence In The Assassination Of Archbishop Oscar Romero


More details have emerged about the death of one of the most famous Church leaders of the 20<sup>th century.

Oscar Romero was Archbishop of San Salvador, in El Salvador. He was murdered while celebrating Mass in 1980.

The assassination shocked the world and, along with his tenacious work on behalf of the poor and marginalised, has led to Romero's beatification.

Now, extra information has come to light about the plot which led to the killing. The Guardian reports that a new book is being published which throws light on the events which led up to the shooting. Assassination of a Saint, by Matt Eisenbrandt, a human rights lawyer who has been involved in the investigation for many years, is said to contain interviews with witnesses and even conspirators.

It's thought the evidence compiled in the book may be enough to warrant a new prosecution. Eisenbrandt says, "There are clear [evidential] threads on who gave the original order and who paid for the murder that any concerted investigation in El Salvador would absolutely be able to gather enough evidence to prosecute those involved."

The book describes how the country's elites were disturbed by Archbishop Romero's attacks on corruption and the treatment of those in poverty.

No one has ever been arrested for the murder, and Eisenbrandt says, "Romero's murder remains a dangerous topic."

As the 40<sup>th anniversary of the assassination approaches, the archbishop remains a heroic figure to many in the Church in Latin America, as well as secular activists. It is expected that the focus on his life, work and death will grow in the near future as the case for his canonisation nears its conclusion. That will mean his being declared a saint by the Vatican.

Pope Francis, who is from Argentina, is known to be inspired by Romero, and it was the current Pope who speeded up Romero's case for beatification – a process which was completed last year.

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