When the Lafayette Community Church in the U.S. state of Indiana was looking for a new and larger location for its ministry, it did not expect a vacancy to open up beside a strip club.
Lead pastor Jeff Mikels told NBC 4 that it was his associate who excitedly found the building for their church. It was the right size for them, and the price can't be beat. However, the only catch was that it was situated beside Filly's Gentlemen's Club and an adult gift store on Concord Road.
Mikels said they were initially reluctant to open there, but after talking with the church's associates, they decided to give it a go. "The more and more we talked about it, the more we felt like we could find ways to be a blessing to the people who come to this part of town," said Mikels.
Filly's co-owner Ed Gobel need not worry about angry Christians carrying picket signs outside his establishment, because the members of the Lafayette Community Church have been nothing but respectful and kind. Gobel's employees even received baskets of goodies from the church members.
"It's been a very, very good working relationship," said Gobel. "And I think they respect our viewpoints and we respect theirs."
The first part of the Lafayette Community Church's renovation project was to replace the old fence with a new one, but Mikels said the fence dividing the two properties does not mean that there is a barrier between them.
"The fence is just there because we're trying to build an aesthetically pleasing environment here, so we want to make sure people feel comfortable to be in this space because we want them to feel love," said Mikels.
Gobel agreed, saying the positive relationship they have formed with the Lafayette Community Church is one that he would love to experience with other neighbours as well.
"It's a wonderful thing because it's the fact that we're all sharing together because we want to all prosper," said Gobel.