Natalie Grant reflects: People should not treat God like Santa Claus; instead, thank Him for what He's already done

Natalie Grant snuggles with her three daughters. (Facebook/Natalie Grant)

When talking about her song "More Than Anything," Christian singer Natalie Grant reflects on her treatment of God and realises that she should concentrate more on loving Him rather than loving Him only when He provides good things for her.

"I've been convicted lately that I've been treating the Lord a bit like a 'Santa Claus,' bringing my list of things I need Him to do, give or make happen. We absolutely should make our requests known to God. He can and does answer prayer," she writes on her Facebook page.

"I guess I'm talking a bit more about the position of my heart. I've felt that still, small whisper reminding me to love Him for WHO HE IS instead of what He can do," she adds. "Instead of always coming with requests of what I need, take a moment to thank Him for what He's already done."

The lyrics of "More Than Anything" go: "Help me want the Healer/More than the healing/Help me want the Saviour/More than the saving/Help me want the giver/More than the giving/Help me want you, Jesus/More than anything."

According to Grant, the lyrics of the song are the "cry" of her heart, since she remembers recording those words with tears streaming down her face.

Earlier, Grant went into a panic when Gracie, one of her daughters, suddenly stopped breathing because of a collapsed lung. The young girl was rushed to the hospital and Grant asked her fans to help pray for her daughter.

Grant attributed her daughter's swift recovery to the many prayers she received, and she is grateful for the help God has given them.

"We are thanking God for the miraculous recovery Gracie has had. When we took her to the emergency room, doctors said she was at an 11 out of 12, with 12 being the absolute worst it can get on the respiratory scale. She shouldn't have been able to still walk. Yet here she is, 5 days in the ICU and now headed home. She is such a strong little girl and our God is such a faithful Father," she said.

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