'Mr. Robot' season 3 spoilers: Could be heading toward sci-fi territory

A promotional poster for the television series, 'Mr. Robot.' Facebook/WhoIsMrRobot

The hacker inspired television show "Mr. Robot" is now underway with its third season, and continues to boggle the minds of its producers in the best way possible. However, it seems that the show is showing more sides to it than its audiences have seen in the past two seasons, as it is now appearing to wander into a totally different genre of storytelling.

In a report by Bustle, season 3 of "Mr. Robot" is potentially heading down the path of science-fiction. It appears that as much as the show runners have made attempts to give the audience a very close look at how Elliott, played by Rami Malek, sees the world, it is going through a whole new array of oddities. Specifically, "reality itself" can be bended. The most obvious hint is that the show could be exploring the possibilities of time travel itself.

This is apparent when White Rose, played by BD Wong, revealed a very huge piece of machine. It is not confirmed at this point what the machine is supposed to do, but fans and theorists seem to think that it is a time machine used by White Rose and the Dark Army to further their own ambitious interests. However, the series still has remained faithful in portraying Elliot's existential and dark thoughts regarding his negative feeling towards Evil Corp.

In the second episode of season 3, it was already established that Tyrell Wellick was more erratic than ever. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Elliot has been portrayed to see Joanna Wellick's death, played by Stephanie Corneliussen, as something that is an eventuality given the cause that the revolution is fighting for.

Despite the power and significant contributions of Joanna, the show's creator, Sam Esmail, had revealed that her character was really meant to be killed. Esmail stated that her story had already run its course, and that her purpose in the series is already done.

"Mr. Robot" season 3 airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. EDT on the USA Network.