Christian mother writes open letter to doctor who told her to abort her Down syndrome baby: 'She's perfect'

Courtney Williams Baker (right) with Emersyn (centre) and her other daughter. (Facebook/Courtney Williams Baker)

A Christian mother cannot believe that a doctor once told her to abort her child just because she would be born with Down syndrome. Thankfully, Courtney Baker did not listen to her doctor and pushed through with her pregnancy, and she later gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Emersyn.

She is now writing an open letter to her doctor in hopes that the doctor would change his or her stance regarding abortion, so that no other mother would be told to abort her baby just because of Down syndrome.

"I came to you during the most difficult time in my life. I was terrified, anxious and in complete despair. I didn't know the truth yet about my baby, and that's what I desperately needed from you. But instead of support and encouragement, you suggested we terminate our child," she writes, as shared by Parker Myles.

"I told you her name, and you asked us again if we understood how low our quality of life would be with a child with Down syndrome. You suggested we reconsider our decision to continue the pregnancy." Baker adds.

Baker believes the doctor was wrong on all accounts because her baby girl, Emersyn, is perfect just the way she is. She feels saddened that the doctor cannot realise the miracle of pregnancy as well as the joy of hearing tiny beating hearts.

"I'm sad you were so very wrong to say a baby with Down syndrome would decrease our quality of life. And I'm heartbroken you might have said that to a mommy even today. But I'm mostly sad you'll never have the privilege of knowing my daughter, Emersyn," says Baker.

She tells her doctor that Emersyn not only added to their quality of life, but she also touched the lives of thousands of individuals. She has given her parents purpose, and her siblings bigger smiles, more laughter, and sweeter kisses.

"So my prayer is that no other mommy will have to go through what I did. My prayer is that you, too, will now see true beauty and pure love with every sonogram," Baker writes. "And my prayer is when you see that next baby with Down syndrome lovingly tucked in her mother's womb, you will look at that mommy and see me, then tell her the truth: 'Your child is perfect.'"