'Mortal Kombat X' Kombat Pack 2 news: DLC may not be available on Microsoft Windows

The four additional Kombatants that will come out with Kombat Pack 2 for the "Mortal Kombat X" title. Screengrabbed from YouTube/IGN

"Mortal Kombat X" Kombat Pack 2 DLC has just released a new trailer and it seems like the PC will not be getting the additional content.

The trailer video shows the Kold War Skin Pack, a Brazil Skin Pack, a Kold War Scorpion Skin and a Goro character download, which will all come as downloadable content to players of the game. However, it seems that the DLC will only be made available to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Towards the 1:39 minute mark, the "Mortal Kombat X" logo is shown with the logos of both the PS4 and the Xbox One. The Windows logo was nowhere to be found in the video.

Interpretations of the missing logo vary amongst different groups of players. There are some that have taken the missing logo as a clear sign that the content will not be released on Steam. Although there are those that believe that the PC version will not be available at once, but will be slightly delayed. Then there are also those that think that the game creators just forgot to slap the Windows logo on there.

"Mortal Kombat X" is a fighting video game created by NetherRealm Studios for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game was released back in April 14, 2016, and received positive reviews from players and critics. Metacritic gives "Mortal Kombat X" a rating score of 83 percent based on 81 critic reviews and a user rating score of 7.7 out of 10 based on 731 gamer ratings.

One of the more anticipated inclusions in the pack is the character Goro. In a video posted by IGN, the gameplay of the original boss character of the old-school "Mortal Kombat" game. Also included in the DLC pack are a Xenomorph and a Predator character, which may come a week after the release of the Kombat Pack.

The Kombat Pack 2 will be made available to gamers on July 7, 2016.