More Americans showing rejection of God by backing same-sex marriage, survey says

A protester holds a sign against same-sex marriage in front of the Supreme Court in Washington on April 28, 2015. Reuters

The more Americans support same-sex marriage, the more they are actually throwing their love for God through support for real marriage out the window.

This was the conclusion drawn by the National Survey of Family Growth after analysing data it obtained from 2011 to 2013, according to Life Site News

Survey results showed an increasing apathy among Americans towards marriage in general as well as a "disconnect" from the positive role marriage should play in families and individuals.

Sixty percent of women aged 15 to 44 years old answered that sodomy is "all right" (up from 42 percent in 2002), while 75 percent of women say gay couples should be able to adopt vulnerable children (up from 55 percent in 2002). On the other hand, 68 percent of men approve of homosexual adoption (up from 47 percent in 2002).

Meanwhile, 78 percent of women say it's acceptable for women to bear children even out of wedlock (up from 70 percent). Close to three quarters of both men and women also say it's okay for cohabiting couples to raise children even without getting married.

Family Research Council senior fellow Peter Sprigg is not surprised by the results since approval of homosexuality equates to the decay of moral values.

"Greater acceptance of the homosexual movement tends to reinforce the breakdown of traditional norms with regard to sexual behavior among heterosexuals as well," he told The Washington Times. "I think the two things are mutually self-reinforcing."

"I think it is very unfortunate," he said. "The idea that cohabitation will somehow prevent divorce has been completely debunked by the social science. We have a lot of research on that, and it's quite clear that people who cohabit before marriage are more likely to get divorced, not less."

As for Ed Vitagliano, executive vice president of the American Family Association (AFA), he believes that acceptance of homosexuality is a clear rejection of God.

"As a people, we are embracing same-sex marriage, which results in despising the gift of male-female marriage itself," Vitagliano explained. "We can expect the darkness to only increase."