'Monster Hunter World' news: Beta accumulates over ten million hours of playtime

"Monster Hunter World" breaks ten million hours in beta alone. Capcom

"Monster Hunter World" is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated games of 2018 as players have accumulated a total of 10 million hours of playtime.

According to the official "Monster Hunter" Twitter account, they report that the PlayStation 4 beta had been played for over 10 million hours, and this only covers the first two betas that took place last month, one of which was exclusive to PlayStation Plus owners.

Both betas took place over the span of three days and contained three quests to give a taste of what "Monster Hunter" is all about. Despite the seemingly small pool of content available, the various weapon loadouts, inherent difficulty of the game, and secret monsters hidden in each quest still enabled players to burn through millions of hours of total playtime.

At the time of this writing, the third and final beta for "Monster Hunter World" is open for PlayStation 4 owners. With this last opportunity to try out the game before launch, Capcom has decided to add a fourth quest to the line-up — a showdown against the title's flagship monster, the Negrigante. This beta will last up until Jan. 22, so those who are still thinking of purchasing it at launch should give it a shot now. Those who play the beta and complete the quests will also be rewarded with care packages that they will have access to in the full game if they purchase it on the PlayStation 4 platform.

"Monster Hunter World" is the latest installment of Capcom's critically acclaimed series. After several generations of handheld titles, "World" brings the series back to its roots on the PlayStation platform and will also serve as the first time the franchise hits the Xbox One and PC. The game launches worldwide for consoles on Jan. 26 with a PC release slated for the fall season.