'Monster Hunter: World' introduces the return of Elder Dragons in their latest trailer

Elder Dragons have arrived in the New World! Monster Hunter: World comes to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26, 2018 with free content updates starting this Spring. Youtube/MonsterHunter

Capcom released a new trailer for the upcoming action role-playing video game "Monster Hunter: World," this time focusing on the most powerful and ancient monsters ever in the world—the Elder Dragons.

Some of the Elder Dragons shown in the trailer were already introduced in the past versions of the game, but there would be also new types of the breed set to besiege "Monster Hunter: World." Capcom gave a few details about some of the most dangerous dragons in the bunch.

"The steel dragon Kushala Daora is a beast with a body covered in metal plates and has the power to keep hunters at bay by generating wind storms around itself. The flame king dragon Teostra is a brutal fiend that spits blazing fire and any hunter who faces this fierce and deadly monster is in danger of being engulfed in a hellish inferno," Capcom says.

"Another monster introduced in the trailer is Dodogama, a rock-eating wyvern that possesses a unique saliva that causes rock to become explosive, a hazardous mix it will spit at its foes to warn off attackers."

To conquer the Elder Dragons, hunters must first possess the greatest skills and gear available. They are the type of monsters that can't be driven away or killed on the first try—they tend to appear on different quests until they can be defeated permanently.

In the game, the Elder Dragons' existence is still a mystery, but according to folklore, they have been around since the ancient times but recently migrated to the "New World" for unknown reasons. They are monstrous in size, with some inhibiting powers over the elements. Because their existence is dangerous to the world, a "Research Committee" was formed to investigate.

At the end of the trailer, the great and evil Deviljho appeared, another specie of Elder Dragons that made its first arrival to the game in "Monster Hunter 3." Devilijho won't appear in the initial release of the game, but his addition will be included in the first big DLC update set to release this spring.

"Monster Hunter: World" is set to go live this Jan. 26 to PS4 and Xbox One. The PC version of the game is rumored to release later this fall.