'Mistresses' season 4 spoilers: Will Alyssa Milano return?

The original Mistresses with Alyssa Milano ABC

After ABC announced that "Mistresses" will once again shoot its episodes, for season 4, in Los Angeles, fans of the mystery soap opera are expecting to see the return of one of the original cast members of the show.

During the previous season, "Mistresses" lost one of its lead stars Alyssa Milano when the network decided to move the production of the show in Vancouver, Canada to cut down on production expenses.

Because of the location move, Milano decided to quit the show because it was stipulated in her contract that she cannot shoot outside Los Angeles to stay close to her family.

But after the California Film Commission announced that "Mistresses" will get tax incentives, the network will start filming "Mistresses" season 4 in California. Could this pave the way for Milano's return to the series?

"We can't wait to bring the 'Mistresses' series back to California where we have access to the best crews, the best talent and the best of everything we need," Disney Senior VP of Production Gary French said. "Our goal is to get superior production and financial value for our investment, and we can get both here at home."

While Milano has yet to address the speculations about her possible return to the series, her spot on the show was filled by actress Jennifer Esposito in the entire duration of "Mistresses" season 3. However, the spot did not remain occupied for a long time, since Esposito earlier announced that she will no longer reprise her role as Calista Raines in the upcoming season.

At the moment, Milano is still unattached to any other TV series or other acting projects. This could mean that she can start working again for "Mistresses" next season.

Will Milano's Savi return to the series next year?