Miracle In Phoenix: Woman With Irreversible Blindness Regains Sight After Praying At Church

Dafne Gutierrez delivers her testimony at the St. Joseph Maronite Catholic Church in Phoenix, Arizona, on how she regained her vision after praying. (Screenshot/YouTube/Saint Joseph Church)

Everything around her became pitch black in November 2015 when she completely lost her vision.

Doctors told 31-year-old Dafne Gutierrez she would never see the light of day again after being diagnosed with benign intracranial hypertension, a condition that causes pressure to mount in the brain, WNCT reported.

But the Arizona mother of four refused to give up hope. She knew that what looks like impossible to man is very much possible to God, if only people would pray with absolute conviction and faith.

After two failed surgeries to correct her vision, Gutierrez turned to God. Although she was not a member of the St. Joseph Maronite Catholic Church in Phoenix, Arizona, she asked that she be taken to the church to pray to God to heal her so that at least she could see the faces of her children again.

"For me, I was like, 'please God, let me see those faces again. Let me be their mother again.' Because I feel like [my children] were watching me, taking care of me 24-7," she told the The Maronite Voice.

She learned that the miraculous relics of Saint Charbel would be brought to the church that day in January 2016.

Saint Charbel was one of the saints whose bodies have survived decomposition for decades, even centuries, according to Miracles of the Church. The Lebanese monk died in 1898, drawing attention when extraordinary bright light appeared on his tomb for 45 nights following his interment.

When his body was exhumed 23 years later in 1921, it was miraculously found in perfect condition. Later, pores from his skin exuded a liquid that was found to cure various ailments when applied.

A priest blessed Gutierrez with the holy oil from Saint Charbel as she prayed over the relics.

Right at that moment, she felt a change in her body. She went back to the church the following day to hear Sunday mass and experienced the same feeling.

When she woke up the next day, she felt pain.

"I was just wiping my eyes, and I'm like, 'They burn! They burn!'" she said.

Then, lo and behold! Gutierrez suddenly regained her vision — as clear as day.

"This is something we just don't see. A long-standing damaged optic nerve causing blindness does not just all-of-a-sudden look normal in two days with complete restoration of vision," her doctor, Dr. Anne Borik told the Voice.

"After a thorough physical exam, extensive literature search and review of all medical records, we have no medical explanation and therefore believe this to be a miraculous healing through the intercession of Saint Charbel."

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