Miley Cyrus plans to sell racy images of herself to raise 'big bucks' for Planned Parenthood

Miley Cyrus shows her support for abortion by sporting a Planned Parenthood badge. (Instagram/Miley Cyrus)

Controversial singer and actress Miley Cyrus is using her popularity to help raise funds for abortion service provider Planned Parenthood. She recently teamed up with photographer Marilyn Minter to capture racy images of herself, which they plan to sell for thousands of dollars each to raise "big bucks for Planned Parenthood."

The announcement was made through a video shot from her bedroom, which Planned Parenthood played during its annual Spring Luncheon at the Pierre Hotel in New York City, according to LifeSite News.

"Thanks for having me in my bed," Cyrus says in the video.

She said there will be 50 limited edition prints of her in a steamed up shower, which would go for $5,500 each.

Moreover, Cyrus also plans to sell the images to the less affluent. She is going to print the images on Marc Jacobs t-shirts and sell it for $50 each.

"I want to unveil our M&M collaboration and hopefully make some big bucks for Planned Parenthood," she said.

As for Minter, the fundraising effort is very close to her heart because she herself had an abortion at Planned Parenthood back in the 1970s. She believes that Planned Parenthood should pattern the movements made by the LGBT community in order to gain the acceptance of the community.

"I want to take our cues and inspiration from the marriage-equality movement," Minter said. "So, step the [expletive] up, everybody. Between us, we can do anything! This is only the beginning."

Cyrus already shared some of the photos taken by Minter on her Instagram account (@mileycyrus). Her photos have generated mixed comments from fans and bashers. Others praised her for doing something that would go to a "good cause," while others criticised her for being "the ugliest person inside and out."

Some also questioned why people would spend that much money on images of Cyrus.

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