Mexican movie 'Pink' shows plight of children who have homosexual parents

The main characters in the Mexican movie 'Pink.' ('Pink' promo material)

Gay activists are objecting to the screening of a new Mexican movie called "Pink," which highlights the repercussions of gay parenthood.

"Pink" is all about the journey of a young boy who was adopted by a homosexual couple. He grows up confused after being exposed to the promiscuous lifestyle led by his adoptive parents, according to Life Site News.

In the movie, the adopted boy tearfully asks his parents, "Why do all of the children have a papa and a mama, and I have two papas?" He is even teased and bullied in school because of his parents, and he grows up confused about his sexual identity.

The young boy's parents often encounter Christians who warn them against their lifestyle and behaviour. "How horrifying it is that children are growing up with homosexuals. They're going to grow up with [homosexual] tendencies," one Christian said.

Another asked one of the pair if the sexual acts they are conducting are "unnatural," then encouraged him to reflect on his happiness. In the end, one of the pair repents of his sinful behaviour after reading the Bible and rejects the homosexual lifestyle, while his former partner carried on and eventually contracted AIDS.

Even though the movie has been criticised heavily by gay activists, evangelical filmmaker Francisco del Toro dismissed the accusations of "homophobia" made against him and the movie.

"Children shouldn't be trophies for the gay movement. The interests of the child should prevail in adoption," he said. "A child absorbs the behaviour and customs of the home like a sponge, and if you don't believe that, explain to me why there are families that for generations have been kidnappers or bank robbers."

Pablo Cheng, one of the lead stars of the film, told TV Notas that he objects to homosexual couple adopting a child since he believes children "need the images of a father and mother."

"I think that those children are going to suffer many consequences. I think that bullying for the children who have two mothers or two fathers — they're going to suffer the consequences greatly. No matter how much they educate Mexico or the world we are always going to be criticised a lot for being homosexuals," he said.