Maundy Thursday: The Christian Today contemporary Spotify playlist


Maundy Thursday is the day when we mark the Last Supper. Jesus, gathering with his disciples after the turbulent events of the week in Jerusalem (his entry on Palm Sunday, turning over the tables in the temple and more) was celebrating the Passover meal.

He predicted his betrayal by Judas, broke bread with them and instituted the communion meal that churches all around the world will celebrate once again today.

Seeking the sanctuary of the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed and encountered the agony of what was about to befall Him. He was also let down in his hour of need by his disciples who fell asleep. Having prayed to the Father to remove the cup, he surrendered his will to what was about to happen.

Not long after, he was betrayed and handed over to the authorities for trial.

Here is the first of four Passion playlists from Christian Today. It features Christian and secular artists, from the legendary Leonard Cohen and Bruce Cockburn to the less well-known such as Page CXVI. On Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, we will post a similar playlist, inspired by the biblical stories of each day.

Here is the playlist embedded from Spotify (if you don't have Spotify you can download it for free).

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