"The Lost Scout" is a side quest of "Mass Effect: Andromeda" that is set in the planet Voeld. The mission requires players to help Haana, an Angaran, by rescuing her friend, Marshal.
The player will first need to complete the quest "Meet the Resistance" by talking to all the members of the Resistance. Once this is complete, the player will then need to head to the entrance of the Angara Resistance military base where they will meet Haana who is looking for her friend. Mashal, an explosives expert who was given the mission of destroying a Kett ammo depot, ends up being caught in an explosion. However, her friend believes that she is not dead and asks the player to look for her.
Marshal can be found at the Hjara Forward Station. This destination can be reached by walking through the base and then riding the Nomad. It can also be reached via the fast travel option. Once players enter the waypoint, they will find dead Kett scattered all over the place. They will then need to make their way to the entrance of the bunker. It should be noted that players can earn research points by picking up the tech in the area.
There are two doors inside the bunker. However, the generators and interfaces can cause damage to the player with the fire that they emit. Players will need to use their scanner to see a wire extending from the rubble toward the door. The debris can be removed using weapons, and the shotgun would be a good option for this. Once the rubble is removed, players will be able to see a terminal. Activating this will restore the power in the bunker, and it will open the locked door. Players will be able to see Marshal torturing a prisoner in the room behind that.
Killing the Kett will cause Marshal to leave for the Hjara Forward Station, where Haana will be glad to see her friend. However, leaving her behind to continue torturing the victim will mean that Haana will continue being upset over the fact that her friend has not come back yet, although she would be somewhat relieved to know that Marshal is still alive.